Sunday, March 1, 2009

Task 7

1) Netiquette- the set of rules about behaviour that is acceptable when writing an email or talking to people in a chat room (= an address on the Internet where people can talk to each other using email)
2) Cyberspace travelers - trevellers of the online world of computer networks
3) Cybernauts - a computer user who uses the internet
4) Newbie is a slang term for a newcomer to online gaming or an Internet activity.
5) Bandwidth-the amount of information that can be sent between computers, through a telephone wire, etc.
6) Flamebait is a message posted to a public Internet discussion group, such as a forum, newsgroup or mailing list, with the intent of provoking an angry response (a "flame") or argument over a topic the troll often has no real interest in.
7) Asterisk filler - In programming, the asterisk or "star" symbol (*) means multiplication. For example, 10 * 7 means 10 multiplied by 7. The * is also a key on computer keypads for entering expressions using multiplication. Sometimes called a "splat," the asterisk is also used in programming as a dereferencing symbol.
8)Emoticon- a sideways image of a face formed by keyboard symbols, which is used in emails to express a particular emotion

9) Flood -
a massive amount of posts to a single newsgroup in a short period of time.
10) Off-topic - a contribution that is not within the bounds of the current discussion



a)IDK - I don't know
b)THX- Thanks
+) bb - Bye Bye


Gooz- good
Example: the salami was real gooz! ;)
Lully- Lovely, great.
Example: A: Do you like my new haircut? B: Oh yeah, it's lully.
+) t/o- short for 'thats okay'
Example: Hey, sorry i got logged off... ..t/o


A) (L)- Love
B) :( - Sad
+) :) - Smile


Maria Morozova
* I think it not true(dunno), because now write IDK(I don't know).


my head
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary

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